Public Attendance

Any member of the public wishing to address the forthcoming full board meetings, must submit their question or comment to the Clerk in writing prior to the meeting date (admin@somersetdbs.co.uk).

Agenda and Papers for forthcoming Meetings

The dates of the next meetings are as follows:

Axe Brue Full Board – Tuesday 22 April at 10.30, Parrett Full Board – Tuesday 22 April at 14.30, North Somerset Levels Wednesday 23 April at 14.30 – Please note that these differ to the calendar below

Axe Brue Meetings are held at the Drainage Board offices, Bradbury House, 33-34 Market Street, Highbridge, unless specified (meetings start promptly at 10.30hrs).

Parrett Meetings are held at the Drainage Board offices, Bradbury House, 33-34 Market Street, Highbridge, unless specified (meetings start promptly at 14.00hrs).

North Somerset Levels Meetings locations and start times are detailed in the Agenda.

Members of the public wishing to attend Board meetings are strongly advised to contact the office to confirm dates and start times prior to the meeting day, as all meetings are subject to change.

Due to the size of the Parrett, North Somerset and Axe Brue Boards, the technical work is undertaken by a number of sub committees. These meetings are not generally open to members of the public, however, representation to these committees may be possible by arrangement with the Clerk.

All meetings are subject to date and venue change.