Axe Brue Internal Drainage Board

The Axe Brue Internal Drainage Board Public Notice of adopted Register for the 2022 elections can be found here

Parrett Internal Drainage Board

The Parrett Internal Drainage Board Public Notice of adopted Register for the 2022 elections can be found here

North Somerset Levels Internal Drainage Board

The North Somerset Levels Internal Drainage Board Public Notice of adopted Register for the 2024 elections can be found here

Notice of Election 2024

Land Drainage (Election of Drainage Boards) Regulations
Land Drainage Act 1991
1. Notice is hereby given that the day of the poll for the Election of Members of the Internal
Drainage Board for the Electoral District of the above-named Internal Drainage Board will, if a poll
shall be necessary, be 1200 on 29 October 2024.
2. The number of members of the Internal Drainage Board for the Electoral District is as
North Somerset Levels 14 seats
3. Each candidate for election must be nominated in writing and the nomination paper must be
sent to me, so that it shall be received at my office, not later than 12 noon on Wednesday 9th
October 2024.
4. An elector may not sign more nomination papers than there are members to be elected for
the North Somerset Levels Internal Drainage District.
5. Forms of nomination paper may be obtained free of charge from my office at Bradbury
House, 33-34 Market Street, Highbridge TA9 3BW, telephone 01278 789906 or downloaded from
Dated this 5
th day of September 2024.
Clerk and Returning Officer of the North Somerset Levels Internal Drainage Board, Bradbury
House, 33-34 Market Street, Highbridge, Somerset TA9 3BW.
N.B. Votes at the election of members of an Internal Drainage Board may be given either
personally or by deputy. A deputy shall be appointed in writing by the appointer either generally or
in relation to a particular election, but he shall not be entitled to vote unless the instrument
appointing him shall have been deposited at the office of the Internal Drainage Board not later than
the last day fixed for the receipt of nominations

The nomination form can be found here

Axe Brue Internal Drainage Board

The Axe Brue Internal Drainage Board was constituted in 2012 under the Land Drainage Act 1991.  It was formed by an amalgamation of four existing boards (Lower Axe, Lower Brue, Upper Axe and upper Brue). In July 2018 the Board underwent a reconstitution and is now comprised of 12 elected members and 13 appointed members appointed by Somerset Council that fund a Special Levy contribution to the Board.  Elections take place on a three yearly cycle. The next election will take place in October 2025.

Register of Members’ Interests forms are available to view by appointment; please call 01278 789906.

A blank form for Members to complete can be found here

The current Axe Brue Chair is Mr Jeff Fear.  The Clerk is Mr Iain Sturdy.

List of Elected and Appointed members:



Parrett Internal Drainage Board

The Parrett Internal Drainage Board was constituted in 2005 under the Land Drainage Act 1991. It underwent a reconstitution in July 2018 and is now comprised of  12 elected members and 13 appointed by Somerset Council that funds the Special Levy contribution to the Board.  Elections to the Parrett Board take place on a three yearly cycle. The next election will be October 2025.

Register of Members’ Interests forms are available to view by appointment; please call 01278 789906.

A blank form for Members to complete can be found here

Parrett Chair – Mr Tony Bradford. Clerk – Mr Iain Sturdy.

List of Elected and Appointed Members:


North Somerset Levels Internal Drainage Board

North Somerset Levels IDB were welcomed into the Somerset Drainage Board Consortium on 1 April 2019. The Consortium now provides common Engineering, Administration, Finance and Clerking support to all three Boards, sharing resource and experience, providing continuity of service and best value for money. Whilst North Somerset Levels IDB will retain The Cider House in Hewish as an operational hub, the first point of contact for all enquiries will be the Consortium offices at Bradbury House, Highbridge, tel: 01278 789906.North Somerset Levels IDB. Elections take place on a three yearly cycle. The next election will take place Nov 2024.

Register of Members’ Interests forms are available to view by appointment; please call 01278 789906.

A blank form for Members to complete can be found here

NSLIDB Chair – Mr Tim Bush. Clerk – Mr Iain Sturdy.







Drainage Boards are independent local public authorities that manage water levels and flood risk where there is a special need for drainage. In Somerset this mainly comprises the area of the Somerset Levels and Moors and the North Somerset levels.

Drainage Boards are governed by a board of elected and appointed members who meet on a regular basis to decide funding, set policy direction, and oversee the work of staff and contractors. If you would like to understand more about the role and work of an Internal Drainage Board (IDB) then please have a look at the publication “An introduction to Internal Drainage Boards”

Elected members

Every three years an IDB is required by law to hold elections to decide who will become an elected member of the Board.   The Axe Brue IDB and the Parrett IDB held elections in 2022.  The next ones will be in 2025.  The North Somerset Levels IDB held elections in 2021 so the next election will be in 2024.

There are up to 12 seats available on each of the Axe Brue and Parrett IDBs which are divided up across either 12 or 11 electoral districts depending on the Board.   The North Somerset Levels has up to 14 elected members but only one electoral district which encompasses the entire district.

If you have an interest in becoming a Board member please look at the electoral district maps below to see where you might be able to secure nomination and support.

Axe Brue Electoral District map

Parrett Electoral District map

The process starts in early September when nomination forms are made available to any prospective candidate who must themselves occupy a minimum area of land in the electoral district or must be nominated by a person or organisation that owns and occupies a minimum area of land in the electoral district where the candidate wishes to stand.  A full copy of the requirements for qualification are available here. Depending on the number of valid nominations that are received for each electoral district a poll may be held in late October.

Only persons or organisations with agricultural land or agricultural buildings are able to vote in a Board election however larger land holdings are provided with an increased number of votes up to a maximum of 10.  An Electoral Register is operated by the Board which shows the number of votes that every elector is entitled to. The Register is available for inspection by appointment in the Boards’ offices in Highbridge.

Members of the public who live in the area but do not hold or own agricultural land or agricultural buildings are not eligible to vote as their interests are represented by the Appointed Members who are placed on the Board by the local District Council.

If you would like further information about becoming a member please contact the Drainage Board office on 01278 789906.


Appointed Members

Appointed members are a relatively recent addition to the makeup of Drainage Boards. Their inclusion followed the 1991 Land Drainage Act and their function is to represent the interests of the householders whose contribution to the costs of a Drainage Board is paid indirectly through their Council Tax payment. This overall payment from the District Council to the Board is termed the Special Levy. However this cost to the District Council is reduced by partial reimbursement received from central government through the revenue support grant.

To be equitable, and as there is usually more than one District Council contributing to the cost of the Special Levy, each council is allowed to nominate appointed members in proportion to their fraction of the overall cost of the Special Levy.

Qualification to be an appointed member is not restricted to Councillors; anyone with knowledge and experience of matters relating to the functioning of a Board can be nominated, although it must be done through a District Council.

If you have an interest in becoming an appointed member please contact the Clerk of your local Drainage Board.