Land Drainage (Election of Drainage Boards)

Land Drainage Act 1991

 NOTICE is hereby given that no objections to the proposed Electoral Register for the North Somerset Levels Electoral District, having been received, the Board has, at their meeting held on the 22 June 2021 duly approved the said Elector Registers without amendment.

NOTICE is also given that any person interested may at any reasonable time inspect and make copies of the said Register of Electors for the North Somerset Levels Electoral District of the North Somerset Levels Internal Drainage Board by appointment at the offices of the Clerk Mr R G Burge, Bradbury House, Market Street, Highbridge TA9 3BW.  (Telephone 01278 789906).


1. Notice is hereby given that the day of the poll for the Election of Members of the Internal Drainage Board for the North Somerset Levels Electoral District of the above-named Internal Drainage Board will, if a poll shall be necessary, be 1200 on 22 Oct 2021.

2. The number of members of the Internal Drainage Board for the Electoral District is as follows:


North Somerset Levels 14   seats


3. Each candidate for election must be nominated in writing and the nomination paper must be sent to me, so that it shall be received at my office, not later than 12 noon on 27 Sep 2021.

4. An Elector may not sign more nomination papers than there are members to be elected for the Electoral Districts of the North Somerset Levels Internal Drainage Board.

5. Forms of nomination paper may be obtained free of charge from my office at Bradbury House, Market Street, Highbridge TA9 3BW, telephone 01278 789906 or downloaded from

Dated this 31 day of Aug 2021


Acting Clerk and Returning Officer of the North Somerset Levels Internal Drainage Board, Bradbury House, Market Street, Highbridge, Somerset TA9 3BW.

 N.B.   Votes at the election of members of an Internal Drainage Board may be given either personally or by deputy.  A deputy shall be appointed in writing by the appointer either generally or in relation to a particular election, but he shall not be entitled to vote unless the instrument appointing him shall have been deposited at the office of the Internal Drainage Board not later than the last day fixed for the receipt of nominations.