Contractors awarded annual channel cleaning contracts should refer to section 5.2 of the contract prior to submitting invoices.

AC12 Price Increase of Costs:

No inflationary increase is payable in the first year of the contract.  If there is an increase of more than 2% in the Annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) from the contract start date to the 1st May in the second or third year of the contract period, the Contractor shall be entitled to claim that additional percentage on the price payable for the year in question.  For the avoidance of doubt the Board will publish the official CPI figures on the Board’s website. Only fixed price work is eligible for CPI payments in years two and three of the contract.  Works undertaken on an hourly basis will be paid for at the current hourly rates submitted by the Contractor.

Contract Year Increase
February 22 tender Year 3 15.23%
May 22 tender Year 3 10.47%
Year 2 2.30%
Year 1 0%

figures updated 23 May 2024