Annual Returns Year End 31.03.2024

Axe Brue, Parrett and North Somerset Levels IDBs have completed an annual return, in accordance with proper practices summarising its activities.  The un-audited Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/2024 and Notice of Public Rights are available to download here, please note that the Accounting Statements as published may be subject to change:

Axe Brue Notice 23/24         Parrett Notice 23/24     NSLIDB Notice 23/24

Axe Brue AGAR 23/24         Parrett AGAR 23/24      NSLIDB AGAR 23/24

Axe Brue Variances               Parrett Variances           NSLIDB Variances

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2023

Axe Brue, Parrett IDB and North Somerset Levels Notice of public rights and publication of audited annual governance and accountability return, accounts for the year ended 31 March 2023, in accordance with the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Sections 26 and 27, The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234). Notice of audited accounts is available to view here (click the link below):

Axe Brue Section 1&2 Section 3 Notice & Closure Notice 2023  Parrett Section 1&2 Section 3 Notice & Closure Notice 2023  NSLIDB Section 1&2 Section 3 Notice & Closure Notice 2023

Annual Returns Year End 31.03.2023

Axe Brue, Parrett and North Somerset Levels IDBs have completed an annual return, in accordance with proper practices summarising its activities.  The un-audited Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022/2023 and Notice of Public Rights are available to download here, please note that the Accounting Statements as published may be subject to change:

Axe Brue Notice 22/23         Parrett Notice 22/23      NSLIDB Notice 22/23

Axe Brue AGAR 22/23          Parrett AGAR 22/23      NSLIDB AGAR 22/23

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2022

Axe Brue, Parrett IDB and North Somerset Levels Notice of public rights and publication of audited annual governance and accountability return, accounts for the year ended 31 March 2020, in accordance with the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Sections 26 and 27, The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234). Notice of audited accounts is available to view here (click the link below):

Axe Brue Section 1& 2 Section 3 Notice & Closure Notice 2022   Parrett Section 1 & 2 Section 3 Notice & Closure Notice 2022  NSLIDB Section 1 & 2 Section 3 Notice & Closure Notice 2022

Annual Returns Year End 31.03.2022

Axe Brue, Parrett and North Somerset Levels IDBs have completed an annual return, in accordance with proper practices summarising its activities.  The un-audited Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/2021 and Notice of Public Rights are available to download here, please note that the Accounting Statements as published may be subject to change:

Axe Brue Notice 21/22       Parrett Notice 21/22           NSLIDB Notice 21/22

Axe Brue AGAR 21/22        Parrett AGAR 21/22           NSLIDB AGAR 21/22

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2021

Axe Brue, Parrett IDB and North Somerset Levels Notice of public rights and publication of audited annual governance and accountability return, accounts for the year ended 31 March 2020, in accordance with the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Sections 26 and 27, The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234). Notice of audited accounts is available to view here (click the link below):

Axe Brue Section 3 Notice & Closure Notice 2021    Parrett Section 3 Notice & Closure Notice 2021    NSLIDB Section 3 Notice & Closure Notice 2021

Annual Returns Year End 31.03.2021

Axe Brue and Parrett IDBs have completed an annual return, in accordance with proper practices summarising its activities.  The audited Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/2021 and Notice of Public Rights are available to download here:

Axe Brue Notice 20/21     Parrett Notice 20/21     NSLIDB Notice 20/21

Axe Brue AGAR 20/21     Parrett AGAR 20/21     NSLIDB AGAR 20/21

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2020

Axe Brue, Parrett IDB and North Somerset Levels Notice of public rights and publication of audited annual governance and accountability return, accounts for the year ended 31 March 2020, in accordance with the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Sections 26 and 27, The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234). Notice of audited accounts is available to view here (click the link below):

Axe Brue Notice 2020     North Somerset Levels Notice 2020     Parrett Notice 2020

External Audit Report 2020

The External Audit Report 2019/2020 conclusion, as provided by PKF Littlejohn LLP is available to view here:

Axe Brue Conclusion 2020    Parrett Conclusion 2020     North Somerset Levels IDB

Internal Audit Report 2020

The  Internal Audit Report 2019/2020 conclusion, as provided by South West Audit Partnership is available to view here:

SWAP Conclusion 2020

Annual Returns Year End 31.03.2020

Axe Brue, North Somerset Levels and Parrett IDB have completed an annual return, in accordance with proper practices summarising its activities.  The audited Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019/2020, and Explanation of Variances Report for all Boards are available to download here:

Axe Brue AGAR 2019/2020     North Somerset Levels AGAR 2019/2020     Parrett AGAR 2019/2020

Axe Brue Variances 2019/2020     North Somerset Levels Variances 2019/2020     Parrett Variances 2019/2020

Expenditure over £100

For transparency and accountability the Boards publish all expenditure over £100.  To view the reports please click on the links below:

Axe Brue 2023/24     North Somerset Levels 2023/24    Parrett 2023/24

Axe Brue 2022/23     North Somerset Levels 2022/23    Parrett 2022/23

Axe Brue 2021/22     North Somerset Levels 2021/22     Parrett 2021/22

Axe Brue 2020/21     North Somerset Levels 2020/21     Parrett 2020/21 

Axe Brue 2019/2020     North Somerset Levels 2019/2020     Parrett 2019/2020

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2019

Axe Brue, Parrett & North Somerset Levels IDB

Axe Brue AGAR sections 1, 2 & 3

Parrett AGAR sections 1, 2 & 3

North Somerset Levels AGAR sections 1, 2 & 3

Previous Annual Returns

Annual returns are available to download by clicking on the appropriate date from the lists below.

Annual Returns 31.03.2019

Axe Brue Notice    AGAR Sections 1 & 2

Parrett Notice     AGAR Sections 1 & 2

North Somerset Levels Notice     AGAR Sections 1 & 2

Year ending 31 March 2018 are available to download here:

 Axe Brue    Parrett.


Axe Brue  year ending 31.03.2018

Parrett  year ending 31.03.2018


Axe Brue year ending 31.03.2017

Parrett  year ending 31.03.2017


Axe Brue year ending 31.03.2016

Parrett year ending 31.03.2016


Axe Brue year ending 31.03.2015

Parrett year ending 31.03.2105


Axe Brue  2013/2014

Parrett  2013/2014


Parrett year ending 31st march 2013

Axe Brue year ending 31st march 2013


Parrett year ending 31st March 2012